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Client Case Study

Streamlined Fashion Retail with Technology at Mufti

BI, ERP, GST, Retail

About Mufti

Mufti Jeans is one of the finest casual wear brand in India having presence  250+ EBOs and 1100 MBOs. Ginesys provides Production, Wholesale and Retail software solutions to Mufti that manages their POS, inventory, manufacturing, wholesale and distribution.

The Challenge

Customize Retail ERP solution to control their outlets located at different cities

The prime challenge for Ginesys implementation team was to carry out the system according to the need or desire of MUFTI management. They wanted a customize Retail ERP solution to control their outlets located at different cities. Some of the key areas were mapping
their sales process with correct tax parameters and Stock Transfer to EBO.


  • Another holdup was to understand the traditional internal processes of MUFTI to implement the project successfully without any help from Mufti IT team. The lack of skilled IT professionals at the backend of MUFTI causes the major hindrance during implementation process.

Our Solution


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